Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Has Your Daily Exercise Become Unhealthy?

With over 500 million adults suffering from obesity around the world, it's hard to imagine that getting too much exercise might be a problem. But, as reported on a website, that is the conclusion some experts come to when considering how some people are driven to over-exercise. A  case illustrate the issue which is more directly the causal link as well as the dangers of over exercise. 

 Vishakha Sawant, a 25-year-old graduate student in Navi Mumbai, has suffered from a stream of addictions. As a teenager, she used drugs – when she was put in rehab, she turned to controlling her caloric intake and became anorexic. Later, she developed a need to exercise for at least two hours a day, despite a herniated disc and heat stroke.
Experts say that what drives the need to exercise is similar to other addictive behaviors. An underlying genetic tendency and over stimulated reward centers in the brain combine to make the addictive behavior become the single outlet for stress management and a feeling of control. The end result is addiction. In most cases, addiction is seen negatively. Not so with exercise – it is praised even when it is excessive or destructive. While not carrying its own diagnostic criteria, excessive exercise is understood to be problematic when it interferes with a person's healthy functioning. For most people, getting regular exercise is not only desirable, but something that is missing from their lives. Keep that in mind when considering whether you have a problem. Here are a few indicators that you may be compulsively exercising: You skip social engagements in order to workout.  You take time off work in order to exercise. You exercise as your exclusive way to manage unpleasant emotions and thoughts. Thinking about exercise takes up a lot of your time, even while you are away from the gym.  Shafa Home, is a world-class residential treatment facility. Our knowledgeable staff have experience treating high-functioning addicts who are otherwise successful in their careers and social life. If you are considering treatment for addiction, please contact one of our specialists today.

This article is the sole property of "The Cabin", they are its original authors.

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