Friday, August 26, 2016

Do You Know the Signs of an Alcohol Overdose?

Thousands of people die each year by overdosing on alcohol simply because the symptoms are not well known. We have outlined the signs to watch for and what to do if you see someone overdosing. Knowing your facts can help save a life.

Alcohol is the most widely accepted (and abused) substance around the globe, most likely due in part to the fact that it is legal in most countries. Whether people are celebrating special events, trying to relax, or cheering on their favourite sports team, alcohol is very often included. But the dangers of overconsumption can be very serious, and alcohol overdose can lead to death.
What is an Alcohol Overdose?
Also known as alcohol poisoning, an alcohol overdose occurs when a person drinks an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time which can affect their breathing, heart rate, body temperature and gag  reflex. Alcohol overdose can also lead to coma and death.
How Much Drinking is Too Much?
Government guidelines regarding safe alcohol consumption vary from country to country, but most are consistent in that no person should drink more than 10-14 drinks per week, and no more than 3-4 drinks per day. Unfortunately, it is not that uncommon for people to get caught up in the moment and consume double or triple that amount in a short period of time. If you find yourself in a situation where people are drinking heavily, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of an alcohol overdose.
Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning
Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include the following:
§  Confusion
§  Vomiting
§  Seizures
§  Slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
§  Irregular breathing (more than 10 seconds between breaths)
§  Blue-tinged skin or pale skin
§  Low body temperature
§  Passing out (unconsciousness) with inability to be awakened

What to Do if Someone Shows Signs of an Alcohol Overdose
It is not imperative that a person be showing all of the above symptoms before seeking medical assistance. Vomiting and passing out are symptoms that are all too often overlooked – considered a normal part of a night of binge drinking. But these symptoms can be telling of a serious problem. If someone is showing anyof the above symptoms, call for medical assistance and do not leave them unattended. In the meantime, you can act in the following ways:
§  Do your best to keep the person awake and sitting up
§  Try to get them to drink water – only if they are alert. In many cases their ability to function has lowered so much at this point that they are unable to perform this task.
§  If they are passed out or unable to sit up, make sure that they are laying on their side (not their back) to keep their airways open and to prevent them from choking if they vomit.
§  Keep them warm. It is a common misconception that alcohol makes you hot, but actually, alcohol lowers body temperature and could lead to hypothermia in severe cases.
§  Stay with them and be aware of any changes in mental or physical state.
§  Do not be afraid to call an ambulance. Symptoms can worsen quickly, and it is better to be safe than sorry.

What Not to do in the Event of Alcohol Poisoning
Despite the best of intentions, there are many actions that people frequently take when they see someone who has overdosed on alcohol. The following actions may seem like ‘common knowledge’ of how to take care of an intoxicated person, but they could actually make the situation worse:
§  Do not leave them to ‘sleep it off’. Whether conscious or unconscious at the time, the blood alcohol content can continue to rise as the digestive systems continues to process alcohol in the stomach and deliver it to the bloodstream. Too much alcohol in the bloodstream can cause essential bodily functions to shut down.
§  Do not give them coffee. Contrary to popular belief, the caffeine in coffee will not sober someone up. To someone who has had a glass of wine and feels a bit drowsy, this may have a positive effect on the way they feel. But coffee actually dehydrates the body, as does alcohol. Drinking coffee in addition to a large amount of alcohol can worsen the problem.
§  Do not forcefully make them vomit. It might seem like the logical thing to do, but in some cases their gag reflex will not be working properly and they can choke on their own vomit.
§  Do not put them under a cold shower. As mentioned previously, alcohol actually lowers body temperature. Putting them under a cold shower could lower their body temperature to dangerously low levels which could actually lead to hypothermia.

How is Alcohol Overdose Treated?
If someone is suffering from an alcohol overdose, the above actions can help keep the person alive and well until they are able to receive proper medical treatment which is most commonly administered in the emergency room at the hospital. Vital signs will be monitored while doctors take measure to decrease the patient’s blood alcohol level. These treatments include:
§  Stomach pumping
§  Intravenous fluids or medications
§  Supplemental oxygen
§  Nutrients to prevent complications such as brain damage

Binge Drinking, Alcohol Poisoning and Addiction
If alcohol poisoning is a one time occurrence for an individual, it is likely that they simply got carried away, and as long as they have recovered safely, life should continue pretty much as usual. In the case that a person reaches this state more than once or even frequently, it is a imperative to seek the advice of an alcohol addiction treatment centre.
Many people have the misconception that just because they do not drink everyday, that they are not an alcoholic or do not have an addiction to alcohol. However, binge drinking, even occasionally, is considered an addiction when it negatively impacts your life. Do you cancel plans due to a hangover? Do you miss work or school because of drinking too much the night before? Have you ever thought that you wanted to drink less, but it never happens? When you drink, do you often end up passing out or vomiting?

Shafa Home is a residential rehab facility that offers a unique, affordable and effective alcohol addiction treatment programme. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, your drinking may be a serious problem, and you may need treatment. Contact us today for a free, no-obligations assessment to see how we can help you or your loved one.

Shafa Home is country’s premier organization for treatment of alcohol/drug problems, de-addiction, rehabilitation, counseling, treatment for females, nasha mukti , psychiatric disorders and secondary addictions like gambling, internet etc.

( These Articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors  )

Thursday, August 25, 2016

What is Meth Psychosis?

Meth-induced psychosis puts sufferers out of touch with reality and causes delusions, paranoia and aggressive behaviour.  Find out more about meth psychosis and how this frightening condition can be prevented.

Speed, crank, chalk, ice — these are all street names for the drug methamphetamine, better known as meth. Meth is a powerful stimulant drug that comes in the form of a white, odourless, crystalline powder, and is considered one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs on the streets today, causing a plethora of harmful health effects, not least of which is meth psychosis.
Effects of Meth Abuse
The short-term effects of meth use include a burst of energy, intense euphoria, chattiness and decreased appetite. For most meth users, these are the ‘positive’ effects that keep them coming back for more. However, meth also delivers many negative effects, especially with long-term abuse.
Some of the most serious negative health effects of meth are as follows:
§  Severe weight loss
§  Insomnia
§  Tooth decay
§  Facial sores and scarring
§  Increased heart rate and blood pressure
§  Mood swings
§  Confusion
§  Memory loss
§  Meth-induced psychosis
Meth Psychosis Explained
Long-term meth use can cause psychosis – a temporary but severe mental condition in which people lose touch with reality. A person suffering from meth psychosis will experience extreme delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, and/or obsessive compulsive behaviour induced by prolonged use of the drug. The Meth Project, a nonprofit organisation  uses an interactive animation to illustrate what it might feel like to be affected by meth psychosis.
Individuals experiencing meth-induced psychosis may exhibit the following symptoms:
Hallucinations are false perceptions that may be associated with any of the five senses. Meth users may hear phantom voices or sounds, see people or things (often disturbing images) that are not actually there and smell odours or taste things that do not exist. Another common hallucination is known as ‘formication’ — the false perception of something being on or under the skin. The tactile hallucination of bugs crawling under the skin (known as ‘crank bugs’ or ‘meth mites’ by users) is very common with prolonged meth abuse.
Delusions are false personal beliefs that cannot be corrected through reasoning. Examples of common delusions caused by meth psychosis include the belief that they are wanted by the police, the belief in (or creating of) conspiracy theories, belief that objects or other people are able to control their behaviour, or belief that parts of their body are being changed or distorted.
Not a far cry from some delusions, meth users will often believe that others are “out to get” them. They will become very suspicious of most or all people, even close friends and family. It can often get very out of control, believing that random objects in public places are surveillance cameras put out specifically to watch them.
Meth increases aggression and decreases the brain’s control over impulsive behaviour. This leaves chronic users ‘amped-up’, unable to react to situations rationally, often leading to aggressive or even violent behaviour — especially when combined with above-mentioned paranoia and delusions.
Prolonged meth abuse can cause users to display obsessive-compulsive symptoms and repetitive behaviours. This is often seen in activities such as frantic cleaning, disassembly and assembly of objects (such as a washing machine, cell phone, toaster, etc.) or washing hands several times in a short time period. It can also cause the grinding of teeth, scratching of skin (usually due to formication) or pulling out hair.
In most cases, these symptoms become completely debilitating, causing the meth addict to withdraw from all aspects of ‘normal life’, trapped in this psychotic state.
How Long does Ice-Related Paranoia Last?
For some individuals, the psychotic state wears off as they come down from the drug. However, many users will note that after a time, meth psychosis remains far longer than the high from the drug, experiencing psychotic symptoms even when not using.
The effects of meth psychosis can last for just hours or days if you are “lucky”. Some people never completely recover and suffer from permanent states of psychosis or reoccurring instances that could be triggered with little to no warning.
Getting Help for Meth Psychosis
The first step to treating meth psychosis is of course to stop using meth. However, psychosis usually occurs after addiction has taken hold. And to further fuel difficulties in treatment, when the user is in a state of psychosis it is very difficult to reason with them about starting treatment.
If you are seeking help for a loved one who is in a state of psychosis, remember to speak to them calmly and avoid confrontation. If they only experience psychosis during drug use, try to wait until the drug has worn off before talking to them. If you can get them there, a visit to a doctor’s office or drug addiction treatment centre can definitely help.
Treating Ice Addiction
Meth-induced psychosis can happen during a ‘bad trip’ the first time a person tries the drug. However, most serious cases of meth psychosis develop after prolonged use. If you or someone you know are using meth, even infrequently, it is important to stop use and seek help immediately. Meth can quickly create a devastating dependence even if you think you are in control.
If you are concerned about the meth abuse by yourself or a loved one, contact us today for a free, no-obligations assessment to see how we can help you get back on track to a healthy, happy life. At Shafa Home we provide a unique and effective treatment programme that incorporates evidence-based treatment therapies, both clinical and holistic, to set you up on the right path to successful long-term recovery from addiction.

Shafa Home is country’s premier organization for treatment of alcohol/drug problems, de-addiction, rehabilitation, counseling, treatment for females, nasha mukti , psychiatric disorders and secondary addictions like gambling, internet etc.

( These Articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors  )

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Difficulties of Staying Sober in Early Recovery and How to Overcome Them

Whether you are new to recovery or an old veteran, certain obstacles may get in the way of your sobriety. Being prepared for and knowing how to handle these situations will help you on your path to long-term addiction recovery.

You have probably heard that staying sober in addiction recovery is difficult. And while it does definitely have its challenges, knowing what to expect and understanding how to overcome these difficulties before they happen can be the difference between success and failure.
Below we have put together a few of the most common hurdles you can expect in addiction recovery along with a few tips on how to more easily overcome them.
7 Things that Make it Tough to Stay Sober:

1. Unrealistic expectations.
Upon leaving addiction treatment, it is not uncommon to feel the desire to boomerang your life back into order immediately. You may be thinking about a new career, buying a house, or meeting that special someone. Having goals for your first year in sobriety is great, but you need to keep it realistic. After all, you are recovering from an illness that took away years of your life. Staying sober and healthy is your number one priority, and if that is “all” you accomplish in your first year of sobriety, then you should give yourself a pat on the back! Recovery is hard work, and you should be proud!
2. New feelings.
All those feelings that you had kept masked underneath drugs or alcohol will come flooding to the surface. Especially for the first few months in recovery your feelings will be intensified, and it can often be scary. But the best thing to do is acknowledge them – and then let them go by engaging in activity. Allowing yourself to get lost in the rabbit hole of your thoughts can lead to relapse. When you are feeling intense negative feelings (this will happen a lot in early recovery) get active by calling your sponsor, going to the gym or taking a walk, meeting up with a friend for coffee – basically doing anything you can to get yourself ‘out of your head’. While it is important to come to terms with your feelings, take it slowly. It has been a long time since you allowed your feelings to come through so strongly on a regular basis, and it will take a while to get used to them!
3. New responsibilities.
Activities such as paying bills or applying for jobs may seem incredibly foreign and difficult. During the time that you were using, these activities may have been done under the influence, or often completely neglected. Getting used to these “new” responsibilities can seem like a huge undertaking and can create stress. Stress is one of the biggest relapse triggers, so make sure you reach out for help. Talk to your sponsor, friends and family when you feel overwhelmed – they are there to help you get through the tough times and stay sober.
4. Not fully committing to recovery.
This is incredibly important. Getting and staying sober is a task that cannot be completed overnight. Recovery is a long and winding journey that you must be committed to in order to be successful. It is so important to understand that you and only you are responsible for your own recovery – while family, friends and your sponsor can help you along the way, you will not be successful unless you are willing to make serious changes in your life and work on staying sober each and every day.

5. Lack of positive thinking.
Positive thinking can go a long way when it comes to successfully staying sober in early recovery. Many people go into recovery feeling as though it is a jail sentence or some sort of punishment. It is important to remember the positive changes that recovery has brought or will bring to your life, and remind yourself of these things each and every day. It also helps to keep a gratitude journal, a gentle reminder to yourself of the things you can be grateful for each day.
6. Forgiveness (or lack thereof).
In order to be successful in addiction recovery, you must forgive yourself. This is very hard for some people, especially for those who were involved with dishonest or hurtful situations during their addiction. There are many alcoholics and addicts who were responsible for taking another person’s life through motor vehicle accidents or violent acts while under the influence. No matter what you did when you were addicted, you need to forgive yourself. You need to understand that those actions were caused by your illness, and now that you are in recovery you are able to act as the person you truly are. Beating yourself up over the past will only lead to depression, anger and other negative feelings that will more than likely send you into a relapse.

7. Undiagnosed co-occurring disorder.
As many as 6 in 10 people with a substance abuse disorder have at least one other mental health disorder, often referred to as a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder. Common mental health disorders that accompany addiction include stress or anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among others.
If you have an underlying mental health disorder that has not been properly diagnosed, chances of staying sober will significantly decrease. It is important that your addiction treatment provider is experienced in dual diagnosis. If you believe that you may have an underlying mental health disorder that has not been properly diagnosed, talk to a mental health professional immediately, before your disorder causes you to relapse.
Be Successful in Recovery
No matter how much you think you are prepared to be successful in recovery, there will always be curveballs headed your way. One of the most important things that you can do is to surround yourself with an amazing support group – fellow recovering addicts, your sponsor, and family and friends who you trust to support you in your journey – and open the lines of communication. Reach out to your support network when times get tough, or when you feel scared, sad or anxious. Attend a meeting if you are feeling lost.
Shafa Home , offer’s a unique and effective addiction treatment method that includes relapse prevention and an intensive aftercare programme. If you are struggling to stay sober, reach out to one of our addiction counsellors to see how we can help.

Shafa Home is country’s premier organization for treatment of alcohol/drug problems, de-addiction, rehabilitation, counseling, treatment for females, nasha mukti , psychiatric disorders and secondary addictions like gambling, internet etc.

( These Articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors  )

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Drug Abuse, Dopamine and the Reward System Explained

Advances in neuroscience have allowed doctors and scientists to dive deep into the brain’s functioning to better understand the cause of addiction. The brain’s reward system plays a major role, alongside many other factors.
For far too long now, the stigma of drug abuse has led many people to believe that addicts lack willpower, and that they should be able to ‘just stop’ taking drugs. After all, millions of people experiment with drugs and alcohol each year without ever becoming addicted. However, the recent developments in neurobiology have given a better insight into what addiction actually is. By studying the brain’s reaction to different substances, scientists have been able to discover that drug abuse can actually alter the chemical makeup of the brain, which is what causes addiction.
How Does Drug Abuse Affect the Brain?
The brain sits at the epicentre of human activity. In order to do, feel or think anything, the brain is involved. It is the communication centre for the rest of the body, constantly sending out messages to different parts of the body through neurons, neurotransmitters, receptors and transporters.
When it comes to drug abuse, the regular communication pathways are interrupted. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) explains it as follows:
“Drugs are chemicals that affect the brain by tapping into its communication system and interfering with the way neurons normally send, receive, and process information. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics that of a natural neurotransmitter. This similarity in structure “fools” receptors and allows the drugs to attach onto and activate the neurons. Although these drugs mimic the brain’s own chemicals, they don’t activate neurons in the same way as a natural neurotransmitter, and they lead to abnormal messages being transmitted through the network. Other drugs, such as amphetamine or cocaine, can cause the neurons to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the normal recycling of these brain chemicals. This disruption produces a greatly amplified message, ultimately disrupting communication channels.”
Understanding the Brain’s Reward System
When a person partakes in a pleasurable activity – be it a sexual encounter, a delicious meal, a monetary gain or even taking a mood-altering drug – the brain processes these different types of pleasure in the same way. Each of these pleasurable encounters cause a release of of the neurotransmitter dopamine  into a cluster of nerve cells just below the cerebral cortex, called the nucleus accumbens. Because this part of the brain is so closely tied to pleasure, it is often referred to as the brain’s reward or pleasure centre.
The reward system is present in the brain to ensure that humans repeat life-sustaining activities such as eating food, drinking water and mating. When people take drugs or drink alcohol, however, it basically sends the system into overdrive.
The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Reward System
Drugs cause a massive surge of dopamine in the brain – far more than one would experience during a meal or other natural rewards. The amount of dopamine released by drugs is usually 2 to 10 times higher than natural rewards, and the “feel good” sensation usually lasts much longer.  Drugs also cause the brain to release dopamine much more quickly than a natural reward as well.
There are three main factors that contribute to the likelihood of a drug being addictive which are as follows:
·         The speed with which it promotes dopamine release.
·         The intensity or strength of the dopamine release.
·         The reliability of the dopamine release.
This is why the most addictive drugs of abuse are often smoked or injected – the drug makes its way to the brain much faster and with a great intensity. In turn, it promotes a rapid, intense burst of dopamine – giving the body such a high “feel good” sensation that the brain simply wants more of it once it starts to wear off. And because the pleasure is so much greater than that of natural rewards, the brain begins to want more and more of it to produce the same feeling – after all, that part of the brain exists to encourage humans to repeat activities that trigger the release of dopamine.
Tolerance and Addiction in the Brain
If the sun is too bright, you put on sunglasses. If the volume on your television is too loud, you turn it down. The brain works in a similar way. In an effort to adjust itself to these surges of dopamine (and other neurotransmitters), the brain reacts by producing less dopamine or by shrinking the amount of receptors that can receive the signal. This means that the ability to feel pleasure from any activity is significantly reduced. Natural rewards barely register in the reward system anymore, leaving the person feeling deflated, depressed and unable to enjoy the activities they once found pleasurable – and instead they seek dopamine-flooding drugs. Because the brain’s reward system is less reactive, a person will also need to take more of the drug than before in order to get the same feeling. This is what is called tolerance.
Other Contributing Factors to Addiction
In order to become addicted to a substance, of course, one must take the substance in the first place. But as mentioned earlier, many people are capable of experimenting with drugs (or alcohol) without any ill effects. So what is it that makes some people get addicted?
Scientists have concluded that the cause of addiction is 50-60% genetics and 40-50% environment. Some people have less active reward centres, causing them to feel depressed and lifeless even before they experiment with drugs. For many, the first experimentation with drugs is an attempt to fill a void. Famous singer and recovering addict Lucky Ali said, “Drugs and alcohol are not my problem, reality is my problem, drugs and alcohol are my solution.” He continued, “I look to drugs and booze to fill up a hole in me.”
In other cases mental illness, child abuse, addicted parents or other factors play a role in the development of addiction. The important thing to understand, however, is that once drug abuse has affected the brain’s reward system, it is usually incredibly difficult or impossible to stop using without professional addiction treatment.
Getting the Right Addiction Treatment
Shafa Home is a residential rehab centre that offers a unique and effective treatment programme for those suffering from drug abuse and addiction. Combining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mindfulness and our own Recovery Zones we are able to work with clients to re-train the brain, making it possible to stop using. If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction, contact us today

Shafa Home is country’s premier organization for treatment of alcohol/drug problems, de-addiction, rehabilitation, counseling, treatment for females, nasha mukti , psychiatric disorders and secondary addictions like gambling, internet etc.

( These Articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors  )

Monday, August 22, 2016

Internet Addiction a Problem on College Campuses

Internet addiction on college campuses is a growing concern as more and more global studies are revealing. Find out which areas of students’ lives technology addiction is affecting in particular and why the college population is at risk.
Binge drinking and substance abuse are problems that are consistently talked about on college campuses. However there is now another problem popping up that despite rarely being addressed is also negatively affecting students — internet addiction.
Because internet use is such an integral part of a student’s day to day experience, problematic internet use can be easily overlooked. Like substance addictions, internet addiction affects a student’s ability to perform well academically, maintain healthy social relationships, and impairs their overall mental and physical well-being.

What is Internet Addiction?

In order to understand how internet addiction on college campuses is becoming a problem,  it is first helpful to understand exactly what the disorder is. Internet addiction disorder is a broad term used to describe an individual’s inability to control and limit internet use, which interferes seriously with one’s ability to lead a healthy life.
Sometimes also referred to as Problematic Internet Use Disorder or Compulsive Internet Use, the disorder can lead to serious mental health problems and is related to depression, social phobias, problems sleeping, and impaired schoolwork, work and home life.
The most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) has not yet classified internet addiction as a clinical mental health problem, but lists it as a disorder that requires further study. However, many addiction specialists find that their clients struggle with internet use, and consider this a new channel for the expression of addictive behaviour brought on by the disease of addiction.
Research is just beginning to define the scope of the problem, but it can be helpful to view addiction to the internet in relation to other process addictions that have already been studied further such as gambling addiction.
Process-based addictions occur when an individual becomes addicted to a particular behaviour, such as gambling, sex, or eating, as opposed to a substance. These behaviours trigger the brain’s reward system. For some people, the repeated stimulation of the reward system with certain behaviours, such as gambling or internet gaming can lead to changes in the brain and ultimately addiction.
As the public becomes aware of problematic internet use, more researchers are also interested in developing a greater understanding about how problematic internet use effects people and develops into a full-blown addiction.

Addiction to the Internet is Interfering with College Students’ Relationships: 

One of the most recent research studies published in the India set out to understand how students’ internet use affected their family relationships. The study participants self-reported problematic internet use, and spent at least 25 hours per week using the internet for purposes outside schoolwork. The participants also reported experiencing at least some negative consequences due to their internet use.
Through focus groups researchers found that while some participants noted the internet had positive effects on their family relationships, such as allowing them to stay connected to family members while away at college, the majority of the conversations disclosed that the students’ problematic internet use caused family conflict and disconnectedness.
Students reported ignoring their family members in favour of spending time on the computer and experiencing backlash from family members in relation to their internet use. The researchers concluded that students are using the internet compulsively and it is affecting their ability to foster healthy family relationships.
College students can be particularly vulnerable to developing an addiction to the internet due to many factors such as the high expectation of internet use for coursework, unlimited and uncensored internet access, its use as an easily accessible and socially acceptable form of escapism from stress and pressure, and the psychological and developmental characteristics of young adulthood.
When it comes to internet addiction on campus and its potential problems, the United States is certainly not the only country researching the effects of problematic internet use.  Internet overuse and addiction has become a concern of parents, faculty, and researchers at universities around the world.

College Campuses Worldwide are Concerned about Online Addiction:

Research is taking place on campuses worldwide to assess how excessive internet use may be effecting students.
At Jamia Milia Islamia University researchers found that internet addiction as assessed by Young’s Internet Addiction Scale, was prevalent amongst university students, and positively correlated with depression. Another Indian study in Bengaluru, the silicon valley of India, found that 34% of students experienced mild addiction and 8% moderate addiction to the internet based on Young’s scale, and the study hopes to support the inclusion of internet addiction disorder in the DSM-VI.
Studies in Malaysia, China, and Taiwan also document compulsive internet use as a growing problem amongst college students.
Because internet use is an expected and necessary aspect of modern college education and communication, those who struggle with problematic internet use may have difficulty reaching out and receiving help to counter the negative effects they are experiencing.

How is Technology Addiction Treated?

While internet addiction is still in the early stages of research, there are treatment options available. Internet addiction treatment shares similarities with the treatment of other process-based addictions such as gambling addiction.
Currently the treatment approach with the most empirical support and acceptance in the field is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT helps clients suffering from addiction change their thinking patterns and gain the skills necessary to sustain addiction recovery.
At Shafa Home, in conjunction with CBT, we also use a treatment model called Recovery Zones. This model is particularly effective for addictions — such as internet addiction — where complete abstinence is not realistic. It is hard to imagine working and functioning in the modern world without accessing the internet or using computers at all. Thus, with Recovery Zones methodology clients can define a recovery baseline that includes the exact problematic behaviours that would need to be abstained from.
The programme works by dividing the addictive behaviour into three ‘zones’, active, slippery, and recovery. For each person these zones will look different. For example, for someone whose internet addiction is based around gaming, visiting gaming websites may fall into the slippery zone — an activity that will likely lead back to the full blown addiction if not dealt with right away.
This approach is simple and holistic, because whilst still being a 12 step abstinence-based model it is much less ‘religious’ sounding than the traditional 12 Steps. The 12 Steps may be harder to relate to for young people S which many internet addicts are. Recovery Zones offer a different format — and blends extremely well with the CBT and Mindfulness Meditation that we use here at Shafa Home
If your or a loved one’s internet or smartphone use seems to be causing significant problems with life, feel free to consult one of our experienced internet addiction experts on the best way to handle this issue.

Shafa Home is country’s premier organization for treatment of alcohol/drug problems, de-addiction, rehabilitation, counseling, treatment for females, nasha mukti , psychiatric disorders and secondary addictions like gambling, internet etc.
( These articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors  )

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Power and Importance of Gratitude While in Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a long and winding journey. There are moments when the recovery process will seem like a stroll in the park, at other times it will feel like a daunting expedition. This is why it is important to incorporate practices into your life that will help you along the way. One of the most important and effective practices is gratitude…

“Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – V. Sasikaran, psychiatrist.

Being grateful for the things you have on any given day is arguably the most important factor when it comes to leading a happy life. There are so many people who walk around each day focused on the negative things that happen – a long line at Starbucks, or traffic on the way to work – and literally forget to stop and smell the roses.
Being aware of, and taking the time to appreciate, the small blessings that we experience each day is an integral part of being happy, minimising stress, and building a solid foundation on which to achieve success in addiction recovery.
Practicing Gratitude in Addiction Recovery
Being grateful for the little things in life may seem self-explanatory, but so many people overlook it on a regular basis. This is why we have outlined a few simple things you can do to begin incorporating gratitude into your life.
1. Keep a gratitude journal
Get yourself a new notebook. Decorate the cover if you are feeling creative. Then, each day take a few moments to write down at least two things that you are grateful for on that day. Write as many and as much as you want, especially if you are having a particularly glorious day, but make sure that two is your minimum. This exercise will help you think outside the box and enhance your ability to identify things that you can be grateful for, especially on a ‘bad’ day.
This practice may seem difficult at first, but remember that you can be grateful for anything — big or small.  You may want to include the beautiful flower garden you saw on your walk to work, a warm and sunny day, or a rainbow after the storm or catching up with a friend. Anything you can think of that made you feel happy and grateful to be alive, or anything that you are thankful to have in your life is something that you can include in your gratitude journal. If you find yourself struggling for ideas, there are many websites that offer suggestions on questions to ask yourself,to help come up with things to write down.
When you are feeling down, read over your gratitude journal and remember all of the things that you are or have recently been grateful for. Not only will this cultivate positivity on an otherwise bad day, it is a great way to help prevent relapse by reminding you that life really is beautiful.
2. Practice mindfulness in everything you do
Whether you are washing the dishes, taking the dog for a walk, or working on a project at work, do so mindfully. This means fully focusing on the task at-hand, and clearing your mind of wandering thoughts. Feel the coolness of the water on your hands as you wash the dishes, focus on the sounds of nature as you take your dog for a walk, or remove all possible distractions while you are working.
Practicing mindfulness will help keep your mind from wandering towards the situations in your life that you feel are negative, or the problems you feel that you need to solve. It gives you the opportunity to appreciate and be grateful for each and every moment of your day, for what it is.
Mindfulness can also help calm your mind when you are presented with a stressful situation, allowing you to make a logical, informed decision instead of one formed purely by reacting to your emotions.
3. Embrace imperfection.
Nobody in this world is perfect. However, people have a strange way of focusing more on the things they have done less than perfectly rather than on the things they have done well. Especially for those who are in addiction recovery, there may be days where you feel that you are not living up to your own expectations. Perhaps you could not stop thinking about having a drink, or you did not make time for your recovery meeting that day.
Instead of beating yourself up over the things you ‘did poorly,’ be grateful for the things that you did well that day. Then use these positive feelings to encourage yourself to focus more fully on your addiction recovery plan.
4. Keep a positive mindset
Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, and named by the Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world, once said:
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.”
In other words, life will throw situations at you that are out of your control, but you can control how you react to them. Imagine yourself sitting in a restaurant where service is slow and your food is taking a very long time to arrive. Instead of getting angry and impatient, be grateful for the fact that you can afford to dine out and that you have the time to do so. Keeping a positive spin on your situation in times like this will change your entire outlook on life.
Benefits of Gratitude in Addiction Recovery
Something that those in addiction recovery can be grateful for each day is their sobriety. Appreciating how far you have come, as well as all the other little things that you are blessed with daily will put you in the proper mindset to meet otherwise negative situations with positivity. You will be able to conquer obstacles calmly instead of allowing setbacks to derail your addiction recovery progress and set you up for relapse.
By incorporating the above tips to bring gratitude into your daily life, you are setting yourself up for a long and healthy life in recovery. However, if you are having trouble finding things to be grateful for and are slipping towards relapse, be sure to reach out to someone you trust as soon as possible.
Whether it be a sponsor, your addiction counsellor, a good friend or a loved one, the only way to ensure that addiction does not get its hold on you once again is to reach out and share how you feel. Do not be afraid to ask for help. In the meantime, make sure that you take a moment to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ You will be amazed at how quickly a bit of positivity and gratitude in your day can change your life for the better.
If you or someone you know is currently dealing with an addiction, you do not have to be alone. We at Shafa Home have trained addiction specialists who can provide you with the comprehensive treatment that you need in order to feel better in the short-term and also experience a long-term recovery. Contact us today and receive a free and no-obligations assessment and get started on the path to an addiction free life.

Shafa Home is country’s premier organization for treatment of alcohol/drug problems, de-addiction, rehabilitation, counseling, treatment for females, nasha mukti , psychiatric disorders and secondary addictions like gambling, internet etc.

( These Articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors  )