Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let Go, Let God

What does “being in control" mean??  Is it constantly trying to change the environment around you?? Is it making sure that the change happens?? Am I in control when I am sleeping?? Am I in control while dreaming?? Am I in control of that tear coming to my eyes or that smile coming to my lips?? Does love or hatred take my permission before overpowering my heart?? So what is it that I am in control of??

And then even after thinking that I am in control of everything, what am I restless about? What am I anxious about? Why does everyday make me more and more stressful??

The only answer to all these questions is ‘Let go, Let God’. It is when you let go of the sense of control that you truly relax. The mere mention of “letting go” gives you a plethora of options to explore. Once you let go off the word “ME” is the time when you see everything apart from me. It is then that you broaden the horizons of your vision.

It is only when you “let go” of the sense of control that you are truly "in control”. And when you do this you experience true bliss and let go of things and let God do it for you.