My son never involves in a family function. He alienates himself from every gathering. This is a common complaint family has from an addict person.For an addict his drug becomes primary focus. All celebrations start from drink, and ends with the same. He is hooked to his room, not wanting to mix up with people around. He is scared to face the world. In his addiction life, he forgets that things can be enjoyed without drowning in the drugs.
In SHAFA a new perspective regarding recreation is taught. Saturday’s are specially designed for recreational activity (Role Plays). In this, a resident selects a theme and performs an activity. When he performs for the first time, he is encouraged by resident members. This motivates him for performing better for the next time. Thereafter a day comes, when he realizes that without his addiction, he CAN DO IT. His inner self is awakened and he feels good about himself. He starts understanding that he was wrong, when he said that without drugs he can’t enjoys. His earlier notion starts breaking. His confidence starts building. SHAFA empowers him to make his life better.
These recreational activities such as role play, dancing and singing are very important for a resident. As it gives him an identity he had never before. It serves the purpose of ‘here and now’. The resident while involving in the activity forgets about the outer world. He is more alert regarding his presence. For the first time he laughs without being fake. He is happy without his drugs. This is a new face of life which he experiences in SHAFA.